Tag Archives: Sweden

Wild Thing

7 Feb

I’m getting itchy feet already- it’s a good thing I’m going adventuring again next week! I’ll be doing my famous tennis ball impersonation- zooming South, then North and back South again in just four days. Still- I’m pretty sure pictures and happiness will be forthcoming as I’m going to see Kitty Wood Photography– I have the honour of being one of her bridesmaids this year and couldn’t be more excited.

Blogwise, I can’t believe the response I had to my post about what models eat!! So many shares, so many comments! Thankyou all- and I have now updated the original post with the promised advice from Juliette at Bareskin Beauty. Click here to have a read, and I’ll be back with more modelly advice soon.
For now, I’m writing a mini series of articles about life on a boat for a fantastic feminist/life/opinion website. 😀 If there’s anything you would like to know, just comment with your question and I’ll make sure I answer it. I’m already covering narrowboat basics, decor for tiny spaces and more.
Despite the title of this post, I’m still feeling quite domesticated; spending my evenings toasting in front of the fire with a stack of books, or painting my doors at long last. At the moment, I’m in love with the artwork the band “Of Monsters and Men” use in their videos so I feel there will be wild things coming soon to a wall near me!
If you don’t know the band or haven’t seen the videos, links are below.

It makes me laugh that ‘domesticated’ for me is still kind of strange for a lot of other people- I still run around with no clothes on getting my picture taken and watch the world out of coach, train and plane windows. I still live in an indoor forest (which is swinging around like mad right now- the storm’s howling!)
On that note, I went to Sweden a while ago. I had a crack-of-dawn flight so pulled a coffee fuelled all-nighter in the airport. Awesome fellow fetish model Psylocke met me off the plane, introduced me to her cats and went for her photoshoot while I got reacquainted with Swedish sweets. One exciting text later and I was off to meet photographer Belinda Bartzner and see a musical about HP Lovecraft… in Swedish. Just so you know, “A Shoggoth on the Roof” rocks- and is pretty easy to understand even when you can only understand the word ‘tentacles’.
The next day (after some world-class sleeping and cat snuggling), Belinda and I worked together for the first time! (She’s since become a good friend so these pictures bring back happy memories).

I’m wearing a custom-made Dawnamatrix playsuit. 😀


Tomorrow, it’s boat-painting, email-answering and preparing for a pancake party with a goddess of cosplay! 😀

Bedtime now, I think. *eyes the stack of books excitedly*


p.s. this idiot I’m fluffbabysitting is asleep. His head is on my hand bouncing up and down as I type and he’s making a great table for my hairpins.

Against the railings and on the steps

21 Apr

Hey hey!

Have you voted today? If not, the link is here and I’d really appreciate your help- you can vote every 24 hours to help me win a latex catsuit! http://www.latex.at/en/all-models-voting/?id=187

Maybe like this one? 😉 A ‘Golden oldie’ from one of my first events! (catsuit by Libidex) I just love the colour. 🙂


Anyway… a bigger vote is coming. Not quite as pretty as my catsuit but still, quite interesting. So have you registered? (UK people, that is!) If you haven’t, it’s too bloody late as the deadline was yesterday. 😛
I have friends who are anti-voting and politics. I’m not a fan of many of the parties either, but I always vote. Firstly because women died so that I have that right, but secondly so that my vote, no matter how trivial, will be one more little cross in a box that counts against any party I really detest- one tiny step between the parties I hate and 10 Downing Street.
A close friend used South Park to explain why he did not intend to vote. I haven’t seen the episode but apparently it goes like this:
1) The South Park kids have to vote on a new school mascot. The choice is between a douche and a turd sandwich (ah,  South Park…) 😉
2) Stan refuses to vote as he doesn’t see a difference between the two. He wants them to lose equally.
3) Something involving PETA and a cow.

Well, okay, the UK are in a bit of a confused position politically and many people here don’t see a difference between the parties BUT… there is more going on that “choose this idiot or choose that idiot”. There are the idiots in between *cough* UKIP *cough* that started as jokes but will gain more power each time someone does not vote against them. There are the frightening idiots like the BNP who have gained seats in Parliament. (Yes, they are there no longer but that fact that they managed once already is worrying). Each time somebody refuses to vote against them, they gain a fraction more power.
When the voting is over and one party has come out on top, the other MPs don’t go home and twiddle their thumbs- they take seats in parliament according to the proportion they were given in the general election! ‘My’ party may not win 10 Downing Street, but maybe they will win a few more seats. Maybe they will be able to make it a little harder for policies I don’t like to become law.

So, of course I’m going to go and dutifully put my little cross in the box. It may well do nothing, but you have to enter a battle to have a chance at winning it.


I’m not exactly chained to railings here but I being all powerful and womanly on the steps of a stunning building in Gothenburg, and with my beautiful friend Belinda Bartzner taking my picture. I’ve waited so long to post these- they appeared in Sinical Europe 2015, which features just six international fetish and pin-up models, so I was very honoured to be counted among them.

Photos by Belinda Bartzner
Styling and lingerie made by me


Speak to you soon!


Roswell the Blithering Idiot

4 Oct


I’m a doofus.

I have, in fact, committed doofussery of monumental proportions- I have forgotten to pack the cable that connects my cameraphone to my laptop and therefore cannot load my pictures for another few days, until cable-related salvation arrives in Berlin in the form of Tom the Tourist. So you’re going to have to wait.

Instead, have some more cute animals, and some nude pictures that I was going to save for my return home, but what the heck- I’ll post them today:


I have literally just had an e-mail from Olof O– the photographer I was staying with in Gothenburg! And there are Swedish tourist-y pictures! Forget everything I just said (except for the bit about the cable)- you can have a couple of tourist-y pictures*. And cute animals.

*Just a couple- I’ll do a proper entry when I have my cable.

We went for a look around the harbour- it’s very beautiful, and I took my first river-taxi! Here’s me with a fluffy coat and a great big red rock.

I didn’t get any pictures from the boat as it was going so fast, but we passed a crew of cormorants all lounging on a rock. Apparently, they decimate everything. 😦 I haven’t heard of them doing that in the UK but maybe that’s because I usually see them one at a time. They looked like a gang of lazy, salty sailors. I rather liked them!
(This isn’t my picture- just wanted to show you them).

Beautiful church just around the corner from the flat- this picture doesn’t do it justice!

At my photoshoot- pretty tree!

More pictures to come (with interesting tree decorations and Rapunzel’s tower!!)

For now, come to the zoo with me. (My mum took me to Banham Zoo for my birthday).

Which end is which?

I can has? Plz? (It’s a Geoffrey’s Cat and it’s about the size of a kitten.)

Want. One. *dissolves into a gooey mess*

Naw, offisah. I never smoke da ‘erb, man.
This was taken two seconds before dopey here realised the others had gone inside without him, jumped and dashed into the house.

If we act reel cute, can we has steak todays?
These were cubs a short while ago! There are three “cubs” and two parents. In a few moths, the cubs will go and join another zoo so the parents can breed again. (Banham works to increase numbers of the rarest creatures and is great with conservation. Yay!)

You’ve already seen my beloved Pallas Cat but read this article- it’s fascinating!

And this is a Maned Wolf. (Aka WTF??? Its head came up to my waist.)

See you,

p.s. want more regular updates? Want to know who I’m working with? How about a chat about the places I’m going to?? Recommend me anywhere to go? Well how about joining my Facebook page! Click, and click “like”. 😀