Tag Archives: high heels

Assorted meows!

10 Sep

As this blog is mostly about the relationship and camaraderie internet models have, how better to start it off than with a crowd of us off-duty and celebrating friendship and love? (Uh-oh- hippy Roswell’s out again!) πŸ˜› A few months ago, I had the honour of being a bridesmaid for photographer, blogger and plus size model Kitty Morris (formerly Wood). Meow. Kitty. See what I did there? πŸ˜›

Kitty has been writing a fantastic series of blogs about different aspects of her wedding which are really interesting and beautiful- click here for some purple dress and cactus action….
For me, it was not only a chance to see someone I love dress up like a mermaid rockstar and marry a besuited Dothraki but also to make new friends and catch up with two other models I hardly ever get the chance to see. (It’s Jess and Liv Free, who also did Kitty’s and my hair and make-up, and rocked it.)
You may remember them from previous blogs!
Jess and me

Liv and me!

I actually took far fewer photos than I expected as I just wanted to enjoy the moment- and photographer Click Click Bang was already on the case and considerably better at photography than me!
Here are a couple of mine:

Gurning again with Liv… we are just the sexiest! πŸ˜‰

Look at Kittys mermaid hair!

What happens when three off-duty models get in a photobooth

And here are some much better ones from Click Click Bang
Look at that bouquet. LOOK AT IT!!!

Happy (and nervous) bridesmaid!

“…that’s when love walked in...”

L-R: Fal, Jess, Kitty, Me, Liv

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The cakes. The one on the left is made of cheese. It is a literal CHEESE CAKE!!

Seriously, read Kittys blog for extra awesomeness. πŸ™‚

On to some more meows…

Photos by MattB
Outfit by Yummy Gummy
Kitty ears by Lady Allura
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It’s been my experience that there’s always a little drama in any environment but if you believe the media, the modelling industry has it in disproportionate bucketfuls. Watch Top Model, watch a documentary- hell, watch Zoolander- the model stereotype is about 30% eating disorder, 20% pouting and 50% cattiness. While just like any stereotype there is a grain of truth to it, my experiences among fellow internet and travelling models have been almost entirely positive and supportive.

Though the majority of us look different and of course we all work in our own ways, theΒ  lifestyle of any travelling model can be remarkably similar no matter the genre or country! I never thought I’d know two models who have lived out of their vans while travelling with their dogs, for example. πŸ˜€
Late cancellations on tour, expensive train fares, shoots you weren’t expecting to be just so damned awesome, a once-in-a-lifetime publication or booking, sad news while out of the country, loneliness, happiness etc etc etc. It’s no wonder that the community spirit is often so strong when we’ve all experienced the same very specific situations! There are even facebook groups for stranded models who need urgent hostel or airbnb recommendations. We have no agency to find work for us. We work our butts off to get jobs and contacts- posting castings, applying for castings, updating our portfolios and contacting photographers and designers directly. Our reputations as both skilled models and professionals are what puts food on our tables (yes, we eat!)
Though as I’ve said, we’re a friendly bunch, one thing I’ve seen bring out the ‘inner bitch’ in both models and designers is lazy networking. It tends to be a newbie model crime- I’ve been guilty of it and so have most people I know so maybe it’s a rite of passage like cheesy poses or mixing up your measurements- one you can look back on and see how far you’ve come both in terms of skill and professionalism. Either way, let me explain…

Most of us are more than happy to help other models network. I’ve had messages from photographers whose model has had to cancel but recommended me as a replacement. I have recommended other models to photographers who have a certain project in mind. On request, I’ve given honest feedback on portfolios in exchange for the same honesty about mine. Model networking is a two-way street. What really grinds my gears is receiving a message asking simply for a list of my photographer or designer contacts. I’m more than happy to give advice to newbies regarding how to find work or make contacts but simply asking for mine is lazy and rude. (“Please tell me who pays and who lends corsets.” Well how about I just cut out the middle man and give you money and corsets?!) The same goes with models asking to be recommended to a designer- if I don’t know you, I will not risk my reputation vouching for you.
Designers get some especially ludicrous messages from chancers which produce amazing rants online! (“please lend me this exact latex dress for a hen party in three days time- I’ll take pictures of it on my really good cameraphone.”) I’ve explained how to work with designers in this blog here: https://roswellivory.wordpress.com/2016/02/17/what-do-models-wear/

Another thing we don’t like is when people (and this can be anyone) pay us a compliment by insulting other models! We all know that a huge no-no for models is misrepresenting yourself by overphotoshopping, lying about measurements, shaving your head with no warning etc. Photographers have every right to be annoyed at that and every right to have an aesthetic preference. We all do- but if I am booked for a job due to my curves, that is great for me so please don’t ruin it by telling me that certain other models were passed over because they look like a bag of spanners. That could well be my friend you are talking about.

Of course, stereotypes being what they are, I must say (again) that the vast majority of my experience working alongside other models (and women in this industry!) has been fantastic. This includes things I have witnessed – like models in trouble who have posted online for help and got it within minutes, even at 3am. Like having/seeing the level of help and care offered in comparatively minor but scary health situations- a panic attack or hypoglycaemic meltdown for example. Like the way people rallied around to help me find extra work when I had a frighteningly large number of bills come through at once (yet again, thankyou for that, from the bottom of my little black heart.)

I’m off to be a tourist next week (for the first time in what feels like years) so I’ll blog again in a couple of weeks (the big one…) πŸ˜‰

For now though… adding some ‘cattiness’ to the modelling world. Prrrrrr… πŸ˜›


Photos by Luci Alice
Outfit by Dawnamatrix

What a Wonderful World

14 Mar

Being me, a title like this could have been posted with about 35% sarcasm but not today. Absolutely nothing groundbreaking has happened but I’m just in a wonderfully good mood. I came back from a really fantastic mini-tour to find my fake wisteria had arrived so I could finish my Zen garden, I also had a graze box AND a new book (Talking Heads) in my pigeonhole. The ducks are sitting on the roof of the pub again (which just looks bloody hilarious) and I have at last named the swans. Frank and Claire. πŸ˜› Oh, and raspberries were half-price today.

So I made my zen garden, ate raspberries and fed my current addiction, Sons of Anarchy, which is the best non sci-fi thing I’ve seen barring Breaking Bad. (House of Cards is on a par). Disclaimer: I’m about to start season 3. No spoilers please, or I’ll go berserk. πŸ˜›
I’ll be the first person to admit I really don’t mind totally unfeminist films like James Bond and Death Race on occasion. In my opinion, not every film or TV show has to provide a teaching moment BUT… when something is done well or breaks the mould, it stands out to me and I fall slightly in love with the show/film’s creators. I’m not going to give an in-depth feminist critique after so many recent ‘serious’ blogs but I just want to mention how much I love what I’ve seen so far. While the traditional role of women in the show is either groupie/prostitute (so far, consensually) or ‘old lady’ (wife/serious partner) there IS an honour code of respect. For example, a douchebag gets punched in the face for hitting his girlfriend. (Neither are known to the gang- it was a chance encounter).
My favourite character is the matriarch Gemma, and the way the show dealt with two instances of rape in two seasons was brilliant. (And bloody.) I’ll leave the feminist soapboxing about rape as a plot device for another time (I’m in favour) but here we are: two rapes, one involving a central character and one involving someone we barely know. Both times, the rape is seen as completely unacceptable, revenge is imperative and while we don’t know the final fate of one perpetrator, the best case scenario is that he’s singing soprano with the local choir.
And the soundtrack ROCKS! It has two of my favourite songs on it. Repeat button + air guitar = the neighbours may hate me…

Oh, THAT was the other awesome thing- I bought my ticket for Wasteland Weekend! I’m now working on a couple of costumes (any photographers who want to shoot Mad Max style awesomeness, send me a message and book your shoot) and deciding what I want to see while I’m out in California. I might as well stay for a few extra days, right?

The make-up selfies are from yesterday’s shoot with Jimmy Deas. So many changes, so many headdresses (by Pixified Bootique). πŸ™‚

Now, I have a week of writing before a shoot in a beautiful boudoir followed by a fully-booked South Coast tour and an Easter visit with one of my favourite ladies. ❀ Which reminds me, I think I may treat myself to some teeny Hotel Chocolat eggs this year! I actually learned how to make vegan chocolate myself at the Womens’ Day celebration so I will also be trying my hand at egg-shaped truffles too!

As I’m sure most longtime readers will know, I’m on Zivity and I have been shockingly bad at updating you with news about my sets! Sorry about that. If you prefer to view one set at a time (which you can do for just $3), you should know I have mermaid sets, pin-up, crazy make-up, 80s, lingerie and more. My profile is here and today’s happy blog features a photoshoot from a weekend I loved! (Dominatrix, in Holland). There are loooads more pictures from this set on Zivity so go and have a look- non members can still see the sets by paying a couple of dollars.
The photographer is fellow model Maja Stina, who you should also check out. We got all inspired by night time Amsterdam, lol!

And for a day in which I’m feeling 10 feet tall, have a couple of bonus pics from our other shoot- in which I look 10 feet tall! I’m wearing Yummy Gummy latex


You will be pleased to know I did not fall in the bath despite my legendary clumsiness (today’s ridiculous injury: burning myself on a butternut squash.)

Going to turn off the internet for tonight and investigate the hot chocolate situation…



Belgium and the ‘latex brat’!

24 Nov

I completed NaNoWriMo!!! I decided to edit two books I’d already written rather than take on yet another book in a month with two tours in it, but I completed the 50,000 words of editing today and am chilling in bed with tea, diamante and lace (making something for a shoot) and 90s films.

See? Did it.

I arrived back from Belgium about 24 hours before the places I had just been visiting were put on lockdown. I’m sending all my love and best wishes to my friends back over there. Stay safe. ❀

I was pleased to see a lovely display of openness, generosity and solidarity from Milton Keynes Muslims when I went to town at the weekend. A giant banner with #NotInMyName and people standing ready to chat about life, the universe and everything, even though it was freezing! When I was at school, I remember religious discussions were often led by people we knew (for example our Muslim computer technician who was a familiar face around school and someone we could ask as many questions as we wanted. This was before Islamophobia became rife as far as I know, as this memory is from when I was about eight years old!)
It was nice to share snacks, photos and life stories with open-minded friendly people before my bus arrived.

Here are a couple of my travelling pictures from this Belgium trip!
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Antwerp Central Station

The view from my shooting apartment in Brussels- the sunset made the buildings opposite look like opals!

I was staying with fellow model Riona Noire, her husband and menagerie of animals (with varying degrees of snuggliness). πŸ˜€
If you do not know Riona then you should click the link above and look at her, as she is awesome, beautiful and has some top secret projects going on that she can’t talk about. The suspense is killing me! πŸ˜›
Here she is on the left, with me and Sara Scarlet. Photo by Mew-Chiel

While I was in Antwerp, I shot for KinkyStyle again- yay! Photographer Patrick is always a lot of fun to work with- we rarely plan outfits in advance so both turn up with cases of latex to choose from and bounce ideas around. I really like getting the chance to play different characters and last time we worked together he brought a latex hoodie, a pink top with “BITCH” across it and some fingerless gloves. As I rarely do ‘cute’, I had to try the outfit on…
And it fit! πŸ˜€

So let me present… THE LATEX BRAT!

Pigtails and heels are serious business…

Bitch? Moi? …

… don’t make me laugh!

So what have you bought me?bitchiebrat_17

No diamonds? In Antwerp???

Get out of my sight!

πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜›

I’m thinking about carrying a few packs of stick-on fake nails to any non-nude shoot- I’d have loved some really pointy pink ones with little bows on them for this set!

This time, we managed five different looks! As I make a lot of my own clothing I wanted to show my own style a little more, so wore a black latex bodysuit with New Rock boots, my holster bag from Jungle Tribe and my homemade Winter coat. No full length pictures yet, so have some selfies!
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As it’s past midnight here in England and I’m surrounded by glittery things, I’m going to put the kettle on and sign off! There’s a beautiful rainstorm tonight and I can hear it pounding on the roof. πŸ™‚

Goodnight all,


p.s. Are you doing a longterm project that feels like an uphill battle? Spare a thought for this guy! He’d been trying for 6 YEARS to photograph a diving kingfisher… and he finally got it!
I’ve very jealous as there is a kingfisher at the marina and I watched him catch a fish the other day. I have a soft spot for them as I think they’re the closest thing to hummingbirds we have in England- weeny jewel coloured things that squeak. ❀
Photo by Alan McFadyen

Travelling Light…

12 May

Berlin, here I come! I’m off again for a few days celebrating German Fetish Weekend with my ‘industry family’. It’s one of the only chances I get to see people all together as we all live in different countries. (The other time is Dominatrix, in Holland).
I haven’t been for years but have always had a good time… and always seem to model in pink! I’m walking in the show for Ardita Fetish Fashion so am looking forward to seeing what she’s made for me. Maybe she’ll break the ‘pink streak’? πŸ˜‰
I also just heard the lovely news- thankyou so much to all my fans and voters, I am shortlisted for the award of Fetish Model of the Year 2015!

Left: My first GFB, walking for HMSlatex. I’m at 5:10 and 7:02Β  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WI5R93o50k
Right: Walking for Am Statik, with Luna Eve. We’re at 2:57Β  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgFVwlM3MiY
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For possibly the first time ever, I’m just going to have fun- I haven’t booked any work so that I have total freedom to explore, party and picnic in the Tiergarten (with the resident goshawks, fingers crossed!) This means I’m not dragging the 30kg purple suitcase of doom- hoorah!

I’ve only had a home for just under a year. Before I moved onto my boat, I lived on friends floors, in hostels and the occasional hotel- which I thought was going to be a dream come true! I’m good at travelling, used to sleeping on airport floors and very resourceful. Oh, and I love adventures. The idea of a nomadic lifestyle while enjoying a creative job sounded amazing (and still does if you haven’t factored certain things in…) What hadn’t occured to me was the baggage I’d be taking along. Modelling is my full time job, so I almost always have the purple suitcase of doom attached to my right hand.
There is a huge difference between backpacking all over the world with total freedom to travel and the occasional paying job to keep you going, and constantly moving from hostel to hostel carrying baggage that must not go astray. That heavy weight on my body began to feel like mental weight too and I was sick of it all very quickly. Now, I’m making time to travel without restrictons and excess baggage, so am taking my favoutite latex, some snacks… and that’s it.
I’m also going to Switzerland in July and staying in a hippy/artist commune between shoots. ❀

In a total contrast- earlier this year, I shot with Luci-Alice in a gorgeous hotel. I think I look like a fashionable Bond villain here- it seems to be a common theme with me, lol! πŸ˜€

I’m modelling Kaori’s Latex Dreams and just LOVE the shoulders on the top!

I have a monster to-do list today and would like to get it all done before sunset so I’m going to sign off now. πŸ˜‰ Thankyou again for your sheer awesomeness.
If you’d like to continue supporting me, please pretty please keep voting for me- I’d love to win a latex catsuit!
Just follow the link and very quick instructions: http://www.latex.at/en/all-models-voting/?id=187

Much love,


A Touch of Glamour

9 Sep

Earlier this year, I worked with Max Operandi on a series of pin-up images in a beautiful home out in the countryside. As often happens with submission images, I was unable to post them until they had been published and so sat on my hands and waited excitedly for the publication to come out… and here it is!

I have a two-page spread in Temptress magazine, with my name on the cover too. πŸ˜€

Which means that I can now share more of the images from this shoot!

Photographer: Max Operandi
Wardrobe: Black garter dress and black/pink set are by Playful Promises. Jade green set- designed and made by me
Styling: Me


I often mention on my modelling profiles that I do not do glamour work but what I am referring to is the generic “Nuts”/”Zoo” kind. You will never find me pulling down the sides of a G-string or squishing my breasts together while making a duckface. To me, this may be the accepted definition of glamour, but in no way is it glamourous. It’s strange the way in which that word has been used- I often hear the word used to describe someone I think looks ridiculously overdone. I once had a middle-aged geography teacher who backcombed her hair until it sizzled from proximity to the desk lamp, plucked her eyebrows and drew them back in black, an inch above their original place (they looked very awkward sitting there!) and wore six inch heels every single day. The general opinion is that she looked horrendous, but one day someone came looking for her: “She’s a very glamourous lady, isn’t she?”

To me, a glamourous person is sophisticated and well-styled in a flattering manner. (Check out Anita De Bauch, Vanessa Lake and Morgana’s pin-up work for good examples.) Though I usually dress like Sarah Connor or something out of Sucker Punch, I love glamourous photoshoots as they give me a chance to indulge an alter-ego. High heels, stockings and garters? Yes! Red lipstick and half a can of spray in my hair? Double yes!

Close-up of my styling:


My waist-length hair does not like vintage styling as it’s so ridiculously long, so in order to get the Marcel wave look, here’s what I did: (you need curling tongs, spray and bobby pins.)

1) Make sure your hair is not clean- it’s easier to style.Β  Make a parting and brush through
2) Slide the tongs into the top section of your hair, as close to the scalp as possible and clamp down. it should be parallel with your parting.
3) Wait 10-15 seconds and then remove- there should now be a kink in your hair. Spray.
4) Turn the tongs upside-down and clamp down again, a little lower than the existing kink.
5) Wait, remove, spray. There should now be a wave in your hair.
6) Repeat, flipping the tongs each time until your hair is in waves to just below your chin (or the ends of your hair- whichever comes first.
7) Loosely pull your remaining hair into a bun at the back of your head and secure with pins

Now, wear as much or as little as you like! πŸ˜‰


I was soooo excited to be given a book about making lingerie from a fan (thankyou M in Cambridge), as I love to make my own clothes. The below set is a customised bra and handmade knickers, with gorgeous brocade fabric I found in a charity shop. There’s a better picture of the set in my issue of Alternative Revolution Magazine, which will also soon appear in new magazine Red Candy. Stay tuned…


And while I was there, I couldn’t resist showing off my bending skills. (This was actually just me being silly, hence the expression, but I loved the picture!)

And here’s my favourite favourite favourite…


I hate seeing tacky images labelled “pin-up” because the model is in a corset. Sometimes the image in your mind’s eye is very different to the one that turns up on the computer and it’s hard to know how sexy to be- vintage glamour was the “lad’s mag” style of the 50s after all! Below are a few tips for a successful pin-up and/or vintage glamour shoot.

Roswell’s Tips for Sexy, not Sleazy:
Style, style, style!!! Look at vintage tutorials for inspiration. Tousled hair and natural make-up is not okay here- you want to look as though your style cost Β£1million and several hours and it’s all you would ever wear, darling!
You are not wearing underwear- you’re wearing lingerie, and make sure it matches! You want stockings, suspenders… the works. Try to buy something unusual- not an instantly recognisable brand (if you are buying from Ann Summers, don’t get anything shiny or costume-like).
– If you would like to wear a costume, be creative. Cliches are cliches for a reason so go for it and be that naughty nurse, but don’t get your costume from a joke shop. They don’t work. Make something, source bits and pieces from vintage or charity shops, look on ebay.
– All-fours pose, orgasm-face, pulling clothes off, winking, pouting. If you absolutely must do these, make sure it’s only one at a time. With the right styling and pose, you may be able to get away with one, but that’s still pushing it. Practise in the mirror.
Work with the location. Sweetshops, US-style milkshake bars, the beach etc are fun locations. Jump, smile brightly, wave, be cheeky! Boudoirs, pavilions and scenic locations can be moody, wistful, dreamy… If you’re in a studio, it’s a little harder to decide which way to go, so take it as a challenge! There are different kinds of sexy- experiment!

Here is my butt shaking it for Louise Ferdinand. πŸ˜‰


I’m off to look at the clouds with a cup of something nice. It’s been a strange weather kind of day.


p.s. you are all lovely and I appreciate all the feedback I get on here. If you would like more bitesized updates from me, just add my facebook fanpage- it’s easier to mail me that way too!