Tag Archives: germany


22 May

I’m back! I had one of the best weekends ever in Berlin and it reminded me how glad I feel to have friends all over the world that I’d never have known if not for my modelling work. ❤ I’ll post a proper update later but just wanted to share some photos with you now.

Here I am walking for Ardita Fetish Fashion, with a sneak peek from the back of the camera during my shoot with Belinda Bartzner. I am so tempted to buy this dress. ❤
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And I couldn’t *not* show you this shot of the gorgeous designer Barbara, wearing more of her designs. You can just see me on the right. 😀

Though I didn’t get the “Fetish Model of the Year” Award this time (well done though to Sinteque, who did), my sponsor Yummy Gummy latex won “Best International Startup Company”. I’m so proud of her- she’s my latex scientist (I refer to her studio as The Lab) and can’t wait to see what she does next.
Have another sneak preview- I’m wearing my custom-made Yummy Gummy bodysuit and Pandora Deluxe harness.

As I can’t be everywhere at once, sadly, I missed an exhibition I featured in, but can now show you the photos! Photographer Kirsten Thys Van Den Audenaerde shot a project focusing on portraying various fetishes from ponygirl and heavy rubber to bondage and ballet boots. Mine was leather and everything I’m wearing here is from my own wardrobe. 😉
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So what next? I’m leaving for Ireland on Monday for a week, with an awesome nude shoot in a castle, a sold-out studio day and one day off for wildlife spotting. Irish people, if you know of anywhere near Dublin or Cork that is slightly derelict and/or reclaimed by nature, please let me know.

June is scheduled for some downtime, as this month has been so crazy that I’ve been away from home more nights than I’ve spent in my own bed. I want to get my bathroom looking the way I want it (Cthulhu themed, aqua blue, black and white with a bit of gold) and spend some more time on the roof reading. 🙂

I may be investing some money into a couple of gorgeous brightly coloured latex catsuits- very exciting, especially for you shiny fashion fans who should be following my facebook- there will be MANY more shiny pictures coming. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Roswell-Ivory-model-and-writer/152654844767588

Also, please keep voting! I’m around place 30 and need to be in the top 12 to win another latex catsuit! You can vote EVERY 24 HOURS, remember? http://www.latex.at:80/en/all-models-voting/?id=187
Thankyou. ❤

Speak to you soon- I’ll blog again before I leave.



Travelling Light…

12 May

Berlin, here I come! I’m off again for a few days celebrating German Fetish Weekend with my ‘industry family’. It’s one of the only chances I get to see people all together as we all live in different countries. (The other time is Dominatrix, in Holland).
I haven’t been for years but have always had a good time… and always seem to model in pink! I’m walking in the show for Ardita Fetish Fashion so am looking forward to seeing what she’s made for me. Maybe she’ll break the ‘pink streak’? 😉
I also just heard the lovely news- thankyou so much to all my fans and voters, I am shortlisted for the award of Fetish Model of the Year 2015!

Left: My first GFB, walking for HMSlatex. I’m at 5:10 and 7:02  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WI5R93o50k
Right: Walking for Am Statik, with Luna Eve. We’re at 2:57  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgFVwlM3MiY
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For possibly the first time ever, I’m just going to have fun- I haven’t booked any work so that I have total freedom to explore, party and picnic in the Tiergarten (with the resident goshawks, fingers crossed!) This means I’m not dragging the 30kg purple suitcase of doom- hoorah!

I’ve only had a home for just under a year. Before I moved onto my boat, I lived on friends floors, in hostels and the occasional hotel- which I thought was going to be a dream come true! I’m good at travelling, used to sleeping on airport floors and very resourceful. Oh, and I love adventures. The idea of a nomadic lifestyle while enjoying a creative job sounded amazing (and still does if you haven’t factored certain things in…) What hadn’t occured to me was the baggage I’d be taking along. Modelling is my full time job, so I almost always have the purple suitcase of doom attached to my right hand.
There is a huge difference between backpacking all over the world with total freedom to travel and the occasional paying job to keep you going, and constantly moving from hostel to hostel carrying baggage that must not go astray. That heavy weight on my body began to feel like mental weight too and I was sick of it all very quickly. Now, I’m making time to travel without restrictons and excess baggage, so am taking my favoutite latex, some snacks… and that’s it.
I’m also going to Switzerland in July and staying in a hippy/artist commune between shoots. ❤

In a total contrast- earlier this year, I shot with Luci-Alice in a gorgeous hotel. I think I look like a fashionable Bond villain here- it seems to be a common theme with me, lol! 😀

I’m modelling Kaori’s Latex Dreams and just LOVE the shoulders on the top!

I have a monster to-do list today and would like to get it all done before sunset so I’m going to sign off now. 😉 Thankyou again for your sheer awesomeness.
If you’d like to continue supporting me, please pretty please keep voting for me- I’d love to win a latex catsuit!
Just follow the link and very quick instructions: http://www.latex.at/en/all-models-voting/?id=187

Much love,


My Little Pony!

14 Nov

Telling you in advance, from my snuggly hotel room, that I’m a very sleepy Roswell and so this blog is going to be a little one. But it does involve me whipping a latex-clad ponygirl onstage so I do hope you’ll forgive me 😉

But first I said I had some inky news… 🙂 Well, once again my Lady Justice image has become a tattoo! This time, I am on the arm of Jason Kirk. Here’s the tattoo and the original image, by Matt Frederick.

I realised I hadn’t posted the video from the AM-Statik fashion show at the German Fetish Ball this year! So much fun- as always and yes, I’ll be back in Germany again next year if they’ll have me, lol! I also took my lovely show outfit off to see MS-Photography. As the set is for submission, I can’t show you anything yet, but when I can, I will… 😉

Instead, have a seriously awesome video! I’m at about 2:55

And here are some stills from the stage, by Marcus T! I do love performing and intend to hit the stage a little more next year…

Snuggles with AM-Statik designer Luna Eve

I spent all night in the station jabbering away with fellow model Fawnya Frolic, before going home with glittery eyebrows. 😀

Night night everyone!


Eurotour: Part 4

28 Oct

And so my Berlin trip continues! As a shoot or two got postponed and Tom came to be a tourist for a weekend, I had the chance to:
– Try Bubble Tea (amazing stuff. Want some now)
– Eat yummy Indonesian lunch with Matthieu Richardoz and WildAtHeart
– Stay at the Propeller Island Lodge Hotel
– Eat strudel and Haagen-Dazs
– Visit the Neue Museum (it has the bust of Nefertiti in it)
– And snuggle cute things

So have some more Berlin…

Outside at the Neue Museum: (I would have loved to shoot here but sadly it is so busy here that it would have been impossible.)

Inside the Museum! (Not allowed to take photos of Nefertiti, but she was very pretty- and had one white eye 😀 )

This is ancient Assyrian (I think!) I’d love to be able to read it- check out the writing!

We went into Potsdamer Platz for some food and instead found huskies! Even people I know who don’t like dogs in general make an exception for huskies. 🙂

Who can resist a huskyball?

THIS is where we stayed. Seriously, open the link and check out the rooms. They rock.

When Tom headed back to the land of Cheddar, queues and wonderful wonderful Marmite, I went to stay with the lovely Nina Ann and her adorable cat Mitzy who purrs at 100 decibels and eats attention like my cat Mog eats tuna.

We rocked a pub quiz (Oh yes, we knew our Rocky Horror Show), had amazing cocktails and ate toasted sandwiches. It was really really nice to be able to hang out with friends again after staying a week in a hostel- I’d had an attack of the lonelies. 😦

On my last day in Berlin, I went with a new American friend (Hanna) to sightsee- and discovered Tacheles. It’s a former Nazi/SS hangout that has now become an artists commune. It is about seven storeys high, covered in graffiti (arty graffiti) and each room houses an artist or three, and a lot of beautiful things for sale. (Sadly I was not able to buy- I had a health emergency and had to spend precious euros on a doctor, but I WILL be back next year for that fish necklace.) They even had a teeny garden for people to make huge metalwork sculptures!
Seriously, it is an amazing place. If you’re going to/currently in Berlin, it’s almost opposite the Synagogue.

These pictures don’t do it justice so click on the link above.

I added something… 😉 And yes, it is a London tube map- I couldn’t find my notebook. (I really NEED that “fantastical creatures” origami book I saw in Waterstones…)

Me being acquainted with a real German:

I was sad to say goodbye to these guys: (L-R: Nina, Hanna, Me)

And snugglebunch here:

These two pictures illustrate how I saw Berlin better than anything I can say:

Everything is so beautiful, but so much of it is covered in bullet holes. You literally cannot escape the history behind the place (not that you’d want to- but you can’t). Everything that isn’t big ,ancient and majestic is bohemian and (eco-) friendly. (Like the “improved” traffic light.)
If I could live anywhere that isn’t England, I’d pick Germany at the moment- and probably Berlin. I’m planning to tour the whole country next year so if you’re a German photographer and interested in booking me, it’s never too early to get in touch.

So, I moved on to Amsterdam- which comes in my next post. But then I came back to Germany (Mulheim) for a day to shoot with Hart-Worx. It was only a few days ago but I already have a picture back!


Photographer: Hart-Worx
Designer: HMSlatex (Custom)
Make-up/wig: Me

More on their way- we shot lots of gorgeous outfits and I sloshed make-up and hair stuff about. I love getting the chance to style myself! 😀

Here are a couple of behind-the-scenes pics from our last set:

The location:

Practising poses:

Why do dogs *always* gatecrash my shoots??

Am I above bad pony puns?


p.s. Yesterday, I had one of the best days of my life. Until someone I think highly of told me I’m pessimistic. :/ I don’t think I’m pessimistic but just in case, here’s a list of things that have made me happy/laugh recently.

– Seeing wild boar for the first time (and the biggest herd of deer I’ve ever seen)
– Trying to mime “red squirrel” to a Dutch photographer who didn’t know the word in English
– Beginning my second draft of my second novel “Saving Bailey”
– Being e-mailed by one of my best girls with a party invite, saying it would mean a lot if I could be there (thanks Amy!)
– Seeing windmills (even though I get the song about the little mouse in old Amsterdam in my head Every. Single. Time.)
– A very immature joke about singing in the shower (If I know you IRL, you’ll be subjected to it soon enough)
– Reading Bill Bryson’s “A Short History…” and recognising names (I wanted to be a palaeontologist when I was little)
– New nude photos (you’ll see them soon)
– Having a fascinating and argument-free conversation about religion/censorship with a new friend.
– Seeing someone fold a bike in half on the train. I’d never seen it done before!

Happy enough??

If not, I challenge anyone not to smile after seeing this.